All Souls Procession All Souls Procession

We remember together

Tell us your story

There are tens of thousands of stories woven into the All Souls Procession Weekend experience each and every year! And we want to hear yours.
Submit your stories below and tell us why you participate, your experiences and anything else that you wish to share about the All Souls Procession Weekend and how it touches you, your family and your friends. Feel free to be as expansive or as brief as you like.

Your response will help us in future years of the Procession–your words help us gain support from grants and sponsors.  If you are willing to allow us to use your comments publicly on our testimonials page and in promotions, please be sure to check the

“I grant permission for Many Mouths One Stomach / All Souls Procession to use my comments publicly to support the Procession.”

Many thanks for your valued input!

(Fields marked with an * are required.)

  • (Include costs for what you built or are wearing, costs still to incur this evening and if applicable meals, lodging and travel)
  • (travel, fees appropriate)
  • Please enter a number from 0 to 1000.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
All Souls Procession
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