Arizona Gives Day is a state-wide fundraiser for Arizona non-profits, and Many Mouths One Stomach (the parent organization of All Souls Procession) is participating again!
Last year, you helped us raise over 20% of the Procession’s budget in ONE day! And this year we need your help to do it again.
You can pledge today for your donation on Tuesday, April 5. And ANY donation amount will help!
As a small non-profit, we are eligible for prizes for either the most dollars raised (we won fourth place last year! which came with an extra $4000!) or the greatest number of donors.
Please help us get the word out, and help support your Procession. We are community funded and community-built: over 70% of our funding comes from individual and small business donors like you. (The rest comes from grants that we apply for year-round.) You are the backbone of the Procession. You make it happen! Please share, invite your friends, pledge, and donate! ♥ ♥ ♥