All Souls Procession All Souls Procession

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Season Kick-Off Potluck for All Souls Procession

Rhythm Industry Performance Factory 1013 S. Tyndall Ave. , Tucson, AZ, United States

Every year, we kick off the Procession season at the beginning of September with a community potluck--and you're invited! This potluck focuses on the details of the Finale Ceremony and how YOU can get involved in the various Spirit Groups that help make the Procession and Finale Ceremony happen. Over 300 volunteers--fire spinners, trash picker-uppers,...

All Souls Community Craftshop

Funeraria del Angel 7 E. University Blvd., Tucson, AZ, United States

Come on out to create a project to honor a loved one! It could be a lantern, an altar, a mask, or even a float! Bring your heart and your love--and a donation to help out!--and we'll provide skills and supplies and ideas to help you create something meaningful to carry in the Procession and...

All Souls Community Craftshop

Funeraria del Angel 7 E. University Blvd., Tucson, AZ, United States

Come on out to create a project to honor a loved one! It could be a lantern, an altar, a mask, or even a float! Bring your heart and your love--and a donation to help out!--and we'll provide skills and supplies and ideas to help you create something meaningful to carry in the Procession and...

All Souls Community Craftshop

Funeraria del Angel 7 E. University Blvd., Tucson, AZ, United States

Come on out to create a project to honor a loved one! It could be a lantern, an altar, a mask, or even a float! Bring your heart and your love--and a donation to help out!--and we'll provide skills and supplies and ideas to help you create something meaningful to carry in the Procession and...

All Souls Community Craftshop

Funeraria del Angel 7 E. University Blvd., Tucson, AZ, United States

Come on out to create a project to honor a loved one! It could be a lantern, an altar, a mask, or even a float! Bring your heart and your...

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