For this year’s All Souls Procession theme of Home, Odaiko Sonora will bring a sense of the land and a sense of how people gather and celebrate what the land provides for us:
the sounds of wind whispering through cactus spines and birdsong and flight;
rain that can be gentle, then suddenly a torrential downfall…
then just as quickly disappears;
our coming together to work the land, harvest and rejoice.
Now 22+ years-old, Odaiko Sonora feels a profound sense of time spent in our beloved Old Pueblo, set in the midst of our unique and beautiful Sonoran Desert, its creatures and plants and history and culture and endless sky.
Odaiko Sonora’s finale offering will include guests who’ve been important in helping shape our group and its pursuit of artistic excellence in the art of taiko, Japanese ensemble drumming.
The musical compositions will be original works by Odaiko Sonora members and guests, and will feature additional performers who are friends from
Fushicho Daiko Dojo, our sister taiko group in Phoenix.
Finale Compositions: improv vocal & shamisen by Aki Takahashi
Pulling Down Clouds by Karen Falkenstrom
Vermillion by Nicole Stansbury
Mochizuki by Aki Takahashi
Check out our Guest Artists: