All Souls Community Craftshop
Funeraria del Angel 7 E. University Blvd., Tucson, AZ, United StatesCome on out to create a project to honor a loved one! It could be a lantern, an altar, a mask, or even a float! Bring your heart and your...
Come on out to create a project to honor a loved one! It could be a lantern, an altar, a mask, or even a float! Bring your heart and your...
Learn how to make a Japanese-style lantern to honor a loved one. Donation to All Souls Procession suggested. Workshops will take place every Thursday in October. For more on Odaiko Sonora's history with All Souls Procession, check out this post from Odaiko Sonora co-founder, Karen Falkenstrom.
On Saturday, October 8, shop for men’s and women’s clothing for just $1 to benefit the All Souls Procession! Event is cash only! The sale will start at 9am and run until noon, or whenever we run out of clothes, and is located at our Tucson Campus location near the University of Arizona at 2001...
Come on out to create a project to honor a loved one! It could be a lantern, an altar, a mask, or even a float! Bring your heart and your love--and a donation to help out!--and we'll provide skills and supplies and ideas to help you create something meaningful to carry in the Procession and...
Don your wild beastly best. Channel your hunter ancestors. Garb as your inner Artemis--Goddess of the Hunt. And join us for the Night of the Wild Hunt masquerade. Dancing, dining, drinking, and all manner of creativity in a fundraiser to benefit the All Souls Community Craftshops. This year's Finale Ceremony theme is the Hunter and the Hunted,...