After more than a decade of the All Souls Procession, we realized that there was a communal need for a focal point: a place to channel all the energy, grief, and joy of the Processants. We created the Urn, a receptacle into which participants place messages to and remembrances of their loved ones.
The Urn is pulled through the streets at the head of the Procession, accompanied by the Attendant Spirit Group. These volunteers from the community collect the messages, prayers, and names. Then, at the climax of the Finale, the contents of the Urn are burned, bringing an end to another All Souls season.
Our genetic history tells us that fire is life and danger, it warms and burns, it gives us light and is an elemental force of creation and great destruction. Though our modern existence detaches us from the family/tribal hearth that was the centerpiece of so much of human history, the ritual use of fire to transform is an ancient practice. The Urn Project re-connects us with this essential human experience.
We are pleased to collaborate with talented local artists and sponsors Visit Tucson, KOLD and Southern Arizona Video to bring you the 2024 Livestream of the Finale Ceremony.
For details on this year’s schedule, please see our calendar.
2024 Program: Home. Home. Home.
Procession arrives at Mercado District
DOMO lines up to the Right of the Main Stage
Ghost Busker stage activates
Welcoming speech
Odaiko Sonora begins heartbeat for DOMO: Crews and Floats walk across Main Stage (20-40min.)
Part One: The Call begins the Ceremony (2:00)
Part Two: Pulling Down Clouds/Vermillion (10:30)
Part Three: Mochizuki (5:00) Urn is lifted and lit
Closing Poem by TRN Wolf (2:00)
Gratitude for cast, crew, and sponsors
Adding Messages to the Urn
Urn Collection Locations and Dates
Community Altar open Oct. 23- Nov. 2nd 24/7
Nightsong Compline Oct. 18 6-8pm Free- MSA Annex 267 South Avenida del Convento
Cacao Ceremony Nov. 2nd 7-11pm
Procession Of Little Angels Nov. 2nd 3-7pm Armory Park
During the Procession:
Gateway Nov. 3rd 4-6pm Grande Avenue -Along Procession Route Grande Avenue and at Grand Finale in the Mercado District
Congress Street stop between Melwood and Avenida del Convento
Remember that whatever you place in the Urn needs to be safe to burn. Paper is great. Plastics are not.
The Urn is not just for Tucson. It is for the whole planet. Anyone with Internet access can participate in the remembrance that happens in Tucson, AZ, in the first part of November each year.
If you can’t attend the Procession in person—or just don’t want to risk not physically making it to the Urn during the Procession—follow these instructions:
- Fill out the form below with the names of anyone you wish to honor and remember. You can also list any dreams, hopes, wishes, or goals. Or you can list anything you would like to let go of.
- These can be completely anonymous. You don’t have to put your real name in the NAME field.
- Any images uploaded cannot exceed 3 MB. We will ensure that they are printed and placed into the Urn before the burning.
For those attending in person, you are more than welcome to write your message before or during the Procession. You can Download our Urn paper which you can print, fill out, and bring to the Procession to put into the Urn yourself. Or you can use paper of your own. Remember that anything that goes into the Urn needs to be safe to burn. Paper is good. Plastic is not.